Seniors Rights Victoria only has capacity to respond to calls from older people experiencing or at risk of elder abuse. If this is you, call us on 1300 368 821 and select option 1. If you are a concerned friend or family member, please encourage the older person to call us or click here for access to information and resources. If your matter is an emergency, please call 000.


Flyers with simple messages

As part of Seniors Rights Victoria's Planning Ahead Project, SRV has developed a series of simple DL flyers to help older people and those close to them.

Each flyer has a simple message in easy to understand English.

The background

SRV's Planning Ahead Project is funded through the Integrated Services Fund, established by the Victorian Government and administered by the Federation of Community Legal Centres. The project helps people understand the need to plan ahead, in order to protect their rights and wishes as they get older, to reduce the risk of elder abuse. The project also supports carers and loved ones of people as they age, to ensure they understand how best to support them.

Since 2021 the project has focussed on connecting with harder to reach communities, who may experience barriers to accessing information and/or legal advice.

The new series of DL flyers was created in recognition of the fact that not everyone has access to the videos. It is hoped that the flyers will be seen by people who are at risk of elder abuse, or people who but may not yet be seeking information or support, so that they can be informed about their options.


SRV created two series of videos as part of the project, which can be found on our videos page. The Planning Your Future video series was translated into Arabic, Hindi and Vietnamese. The Guardianship and Administration series was created with translation and dubbing in mind and SRV hopes to achieve this soon.


The flyers contain information that can be found in the video series and is consistent with the project:

  1. How to formalise your wishes - outlines the documents available to help people outline their wishes if a time comes when they can't make or communicate a decision
  2. It's OK to say No - tips on ways to handle pressure to sign documents
  3. Who To Call For Help - some key websites and phone numbers for issues not directly related to elder abuse
  4. Family Agreements - a simple guide to family agreements, which can be helpful when people decide to guarantee or make a loan, move in together, change property ownership etc
  5. When Adult Children Move In With You - key considerations to discuss and agree on when allowing adult children to move in their parents
  6. Gifts and Loans - what to consider before making gifts and loans
  7. Including Someone In The Decision - some tips on ways to ensure that the person decisions are being made on behalf of, is involved as much as possible
  8. Grandparenting - a very simplified version of our Help Sheet for Grandparents

If you would like some of these flyers for your organisation, or to discuss creating geographically specific versions for your area, please contact Seniors Rights Victoria.

Regional Versions

Seniors Rights Victoria is working with community groups and organisations in regional centres to create geographically specific versions of these flyers with the relevant local information.

Ballarat Versions

You can find a Ballarat specific version of these flyers, with relevant contact details of services within the Ballarat region.

If you would like to discuss creating geographically specific versions for your regional Victorian area please contact Seniors Rights Victoria.


If you are in Victoria and are experiencing or at risk of elder abuse, help is available through our confidential helpline on 1300 368 821 (option 1).

For concerned friends or family members, please encourage the older person to call us or you can access information and resources here. You can also find a lawyer via the Law Institute of Victoria website.

If it is an emergency, call 000.

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